Tomato Soup

I think most people have ever tasted Tomato Soup. It is perfect for cool weather. It is quite simply to make and for me, personally, i call it Cleaning Day Soup. Why ? Because when i need to clean my refrigerator, i definitely make this soup πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

Basically, tomato soup needs tomatoes, chicken stock, onion (and garlic). As for the filling, there is no basic rule.. well if there is any, i definitely break it πŸ˜› My tomato soups contain what is in the refrigerator, usually lot of frozen food (sausage, mix veggie, potato string, smoked beef, etc). I rarely buy a specific ingredient for this soup. This, i made it out from my mom’s refrigerator πŸ˜€ So don’t worry if you don’t have the exact ingredients. Just pour what your refrigerator has πŸ˜‰

Shall we start ?Β ^_^ For recipe in Bahasa Indonesia, click here πŸ™‚

tomato 3 Tomatoes stock-chicken Β 500 ml Chicken Stock
onion 1 Onion (medium) garlic Β 2 cloves Garlic
ketchup 2 tbs Ketchup aka. Tomato Sauce (optional) water Β Water (Optional, if you think the soup is too thick)
nutmeg 2 pinch Grounded Nutmeg sugar Β 1-2 tbs Sugar
Β salt n pepper Β Salt & Pepper

Fillings (What’s in Mom’s Refrigerator)

chicken-whole 150 gr Boiled Chicken (more or less) sausage 3 Small Sausage
kekian 1 Kekian carrot 1 Carrot
mushroom champignon Mushroom corn 1 Corn
  1. Peel the corn, chop carrot into dice, kekian in oval, boiled chicken, mushroom and sausage in.. whatever shape you like (trust me, it won’t affect the taste πŸ˜‰ )
  2. Saute garlic and onion. Meanwhile, chop dice tomatoes.
  3. Make juice out of tomatoes, and saute garlic and onion by blending them. Put aside.
  4. Saute fillings from mushroom, sausage, kekian. To avoid from burning, add a bit of chicken stock (we can make it by boiling chicken with water, then use the chicken as filling). Then put in corn and carrot. Last, the boiled chicken.
  5. Low down the heat a bit. Pour the tomato juice and the rest of chicken stock. IfΒ it is too thick, we can add some water.
  6. Season with salt, sugar, and pepper. Stir & Taste. if it needs more sourness (i like it sour) add 2, or more, tablespoon of ketchup. Stir & Retaste.
  7. Wait until it is almost boiled. Add grounded nutmeg. Stir.
  8. When it is boiled, you can add a celery, if you want. Take it from the heat, and serve ^^

IMG_20150416_103500 copy Resep Bahasa Indonesia:

tomato 3 Tomat stock-chicken Β 500 ml Kaldu Ayam
onion 1 Bawang Bombay sedang garlic Β 2 siung Bawang Putih
ketchup 2sdm Saos Tomat water Air (opsional, jika merasa terlalu kental)
nutmeg 2 cubit Pala Bubuk sugar Β 1-2 sdm Gula
Β salt n pepper Β Garam & Merica

Isian (Hasil bongkar-bongkar kulkas mama):

chicken-whole +/- 150 gr Ayam Rebus sausage 3 Sosis
kekian 1 Kekian carrot 1 Wortel
mushroom champignon Jamur Kancing corn 1 Jagung
  1. Buliri jagung, potong dadu wortel, potong oval kekian, potong bentuk terserah ayam rebus, jamur kancing, dan sosis (Nggak akan berpengaruh ke rasa kok, tenang aja πŸ˜‰ )
  2. Tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay hingga harum. Sementara itu potong dadu tomat.
  3. Blender tomat, bawang putih, dan bawang bombay menjadi jus. Sisihkan sementara.
  4. Tumis isian: jamur. sosis, dan kekian. Agar tidak gosong, tambahkan sedikit kaldu ayam (kita bisa membuatnya dengan merebus ayam dengan air. Kemudian ayam tersebut dapat kita pakai sebagai isian). Lalu masukkan jagung dan waorte. Terakhir, ayam rebus.
  5. Kecilkan api. Masukkan jus tomat dan kaldu ayam yg tersisa. Jika dirasa terlalu kental bisa diencerkan dengan air.
  6. Bumbui dengan garam, gula, dan merica. Aduk rata dan cicipi. Jika kurang kecut (saya suka sup tomat yg kecut), tambahkan 2 atau lebih sendok makan saos tomat.
  7. Tungga hingga hampir mendidih. Tambkan pala bubuk. Aduk.
  8. Ketika mendidih, dapat ditambahkan seledri jika suka. Angkat dari api, dan sajikan ^^

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